Andrew Roy Biography

This image and the biographical text are from the "Historical Collections of Ohio", by Henry Howe (1896 ed., page 110). Spelling and punctuation are as in the original book. The biography is at the beginning of an article about mining in Ohio by Mr. Roy.

Andrew Roy image



ANDREW ROY was born in Lanarkshire Scotland, in 1834. He attended school until he was eight years of age and then went to work in the coal mines. When he was sixteen his father and family moved to America and settled in the coal regions of Maryland. Young Roy remained with his parents a few years and then went West, working in the mines of a number of Western States. In 1860 together with a friend, he was digging coal in Arkansas. The booming of the rebel cannon before Fort Sumter shook the woods of that half-savage State. Roy saw the gathering clouds of civil war and did not hesitate a moment. He threw down his tools, hastened east and joined a Pennsylvania company of Volunteers. He served under McClellan in the bloody battles before Richmond, was shot through the body at Gaines' Hill and was left as dead by the retreating Federals. The rebels, however, found him yet alive and sent him back to Libby Prison. In a few months he was paroled, returned home, had a surgical operation performed on his wound and recovered. He married Janet Watson in 1864, and a few years later moved to Ohio. After the dreadful Avondale disaster Mr. Roy was sent by the miners to Columbus to urge upon the legislature the necessity of mining laws for Ohio. Governor Hayes appointed him to serve with two others on a commission to investigate the condition of the mines and report the same to the legislature. The result of the report was the passage of mining laws. Governor Allen appointed Roy mine inspector for four years, and Governor Foster did the same. In 1884 Mr. Roy retired from the office, enjoying the respect of the miners of the State. During the time he held the inspector's office he gained a considerable reputation as a geologist. His efforts on behalf of the miners were unceasing, and he has been called the father of mining laws in Ohio. He is the author of several books on coal-mining and frequently contributes articles to the noted mining journals of the country. At present (1888) he resides at Glen Roy, a mining village in Jackson county, Ohio.

(The rest of the text of the article follows here in the book)

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